Whats in New Xcode

What’s New in Version 7.3

Xcode 7.3 includes Swift 2.2 and SDKs for iOS 9.3, watchOS 2.2, tvOS 9.2, and OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

New in Xcode 7.3:

• iOS and OS X playgrounds in Xcode are interactive and respond to user-generated events such as button clicks and iOS gestures
• Code completion offers more intelligent suggestions, including options based on the first letters of words within the API
• Devices window supports switching between multiple Apple Watch devices paired to a single iPhone
• Debugger automatically imports the frameworks needed when evaluating both Swift and Objective-C expressions
• View debugging adds additional inspector information, context menus, and Assistant editor options
• Static analyzer identifies more potential issues related to nullability and Objective-C generics

New in Swift 2.2:

• Swift toolchains downloaded from Swift.org can be easily selected in the updated Components tab in Preferences
• New #file, #line, #column, and #function expressions
• Improvements to the standard library including new removeFirst() and removeLast() methods on slice types
• Conditional build option can compile specific code blocks within the same file based on current Swift version
• New #selector expression to reference the Objective-C selector of a method
• Failable class initializers can return ‘nil’ before calling the superclass initializer
• Improved compile-time diagnostic messages
• Deprecations to syntax such as ++, –, and C-style for loops in preparation for the future Swift 3 release

What’s New in Version 6.4

Xcode 6.4 adds support for iOS 8.4

Xcode 6.4 includes Swift 1.2 and SDKs for OS X 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8.4

What’s New in Version 6.3

Includes Swift 1.2 and SDKs for OS X 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8.3

New in Swift 1.2:

• Incremental builds dramatically improve the compile time of Swift projects
• Swift compiler produces even faster executables for both debug and release builds
• Language refinements to ‘let’ and ‘as’ make Swift more consistent and clear
• Standard library adds powerful features including the ‘Set’ data type and ‘flatMap’ operation
• Code converter and Fix-its help you migrate to Swift 1.2

Additional features in Xcode 6.3:

• Playgrounds are more attractive and readable with rich text formatting and results displayed in-line
• Playgrounds can embed additional code and resources to improve performance and simplify sharing
• Updated OS X SDK includes support for the new Force Touch trackpad
• Crashes organizer makes it easy to triage and fix crashes for App Store and TestFlight apps
• Apple LLVM compiler 6.1 improves diagnostic messages and adds support for C++’14
• Additional bug fixes and stability improvements

What’s New in Version 6.2

Includes SDKs for OS X 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8.2

• Adds support for iOS 8.2 and WatchKit to create apps for Apple Watch.

Senior Software Engineer
TopOfStack Software Ltd.