How to directly open facebook, skype, whatsapp, twitter, evernote from iOS app April 26, 2014 Below is the piece of code to directly enter popular apps (facebook, skype, whatsapp, twitter, evernote) installed on the device…
How to take / grab Screenshot, measure pixel, measure RGB on Mac March 20, 2014 iOS developers need it on regular basis , How to take / grab Screenshot: Go to Right top search icon…
Reachability responding with wrong status code in iOS 7 iphone 5 March 17, 2014 I am facing weird problem on iPhone 5 with iOS 7, i have tested same code with other devices like…
Mutating method sent to immutable object March 17, 2014 The crash pained me much before i found a simple solution. When i add an NSObject on NSUSerDefault , and…
TOS PHP API skeleton for mobile apps using ORM October 8, 2013 It was not a usual hectic day at TOS. My clients were so silent that I thought I could manage…